Antya-līlāChapter 13: Pastimes with Jagadānanda Paṇḍita and Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 13.45

sanātana karāilā tāńre dvādaśa vana daraśana

gokule rahilā duńhe dekhi' mahāvana


sanātanaSanātana Gosvāmī; karāilāmade; tāńre — him; dvādaśa — twelve; vana — forests; daraśana — visiting; gokule — at Gokula; rahilā — remained; duńhe — both; dekhi' — after seeing; mahā-vanaMahāvana.


After Sanātana Gosvāmī had taken Jagadānanda to see all twelve forests of Vṛndāvana, concluding with Mahāvana, the two of them remained in Gokula.

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