Antya-līlāChapter 13: Pastimes with Jagadānanda Paṇḍita and Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 13.85

prabhu kahe, — "govinda, āji rākhilā jīvana

strī-paraśa haile āmāra ha-ita maraṇa


prabhu kahe — Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu said; govinda — My dear Govinda; āji — today; rākhilā jīvana — you saved My life; strī-paraśa haile — if I had touched a woman; āmāra — My; ha-ita — there would have been; maraṇa — death.


"My dear Govinda," He said, "you have saved My life. If I had touched the body of a woman, I would certainly have died.

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