Antya-līlāChapter 18: Rescuing the Lord from the Sea

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 18.103

uttama saḿskāra kari', baḍa baḍa thālī bhari',

ratna-mandire piṇḍāra upare

bhakṣaṇera krama kari', dhariyāche sāri sāri,

āge āsana vasibāra tare


uttama — topmost; saḿskāra — cleaning; kari' — doing; baḍa baḍa — big; thālī — plates; bhari' — filling up; ratna-mandirein the house of jewels; piṇḍāra upare — on the platform; bhakṣaṇera krama kari' — making arrangements for eating; dhariyāche — have kept; sāri sāri — one after another; āgein front; āsana — sitting place; vasibāra tareto sit down.


"The gopīs peeled all the fruits and placed them together on large plates on a platform in the jeweled cottage. They arranged the fruit in orderly rows for eating, and in front of it they made a place to sit.

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