Antya-līlāChapter 18: Rescuing the Lord from the Sea

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 18.78

antar-daśāra kichu ghora, kichu bāhya-jñāna

sei daśā kahe bhakta 'ardha-bāhya'-nāma


antaḥ-daśāra — of the internal condition; kichu — some; ghora — deep state; kichu — some; bāhya-jñāna — external consciousness; sei daśā — that condition; kahe — say; bhakta — devotees; ardha-bāhya — half-external consciousness; nāmaname.


When the Lord was deeply absorbed in internal consciousness but He nevertheless exhibited some external consciousness, devotees called His condition ardha-bāhya, or half-external consciousness.

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