Antya-līlāChapter 18: Rescuing the Lord from the Sea

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 18.94

yata hemābja jale bhāse, tata nīlābja tāra pāśe,

āsi' āsi' karaye milana

nīlābje hemābje ṭheke, yuddha haya pratyeke,

kautuke dekhe tīre sakhī-gaṇa


yataas many as there were; hema-abja — white lotus flowers; jale — on the water; bhāse — float; tata — that many; nīla-abja — bluish lotus flowers; tāra pāśe — by their side; āsi' āsi' — coming closer; karaye milana — they meet; nīla-abje — the bluish lotus flowers; hema-abje — with the white lotus flowers; ṭheke — collide; yuddhaa fight; haya — there is; prati-eke — with one another; kautukein great fun; dekhe — see; tīre — on the bank; sakhī-gaṇa — the gopīs.


"Many white lotus flowers were floating in the water, and as many bluish lotus flowers came nearby. As they came close together, the white and blue lotuses collided and began fighting with one another. The gopīs on the bank of the Yamunā watched with great amusement.

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