Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 20: The Rainy Season and Autumn in Vṛndāvana

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.20.26

dhenavo manda-gāminya

ūdho-bhāreṇa bhūyasā

yayur bhagavatāhūtā

drutaḿ prītyā snuta-stanāḥ


dhenavaḥ — the cows; manda-gāminyaḥ — moving slowly; ūdhaḥ — of their udders; bhāreṇa — because of the weight; bhūyasā — very great; yayuḥ — they went; bhagavatā — by the Lord; āhūtāḥ — being called; drutam — quickly; prītyā — out of affection; snuta — wet; stanāḥ — their udders.


The cows had to move slowly because of their weighty milk bags, but they quickly ran to the Supreme Personality of Godhead as soon as He called them, their affection for Him causing their udders to become wet.


Śrīla Prabhupāda comments, "The cows, being fed by new grasses, became very healthy, and their milk bags were all very full. When Lord Kṛṣṇa called them by name, they immediately came to Him out of affection, and in their joyful condition the milk flowed from their bags."

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