Canto 10: The Summum BonumChapter 53: Kṛṣṇa Kidnaps Rukmiṇī

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 10.53.42-43

nānopahāra balibhir

vāramukhyāḥ sahasraśaḥ


dvija-patnyaḥ sv-alańkṛtāḥ

gāyantyaś ca stuvantaś ca

gāyakā vādya-vādakāḥ

parivārya vadhūḿ jagmuḥ



nānā — various; upahāra — with paraphernalia of worship; balibhiḥ — and presents; vāra-mukhyāḥ — prominent courtesans; sahasraśaḥ — by the thousands; srak — with flower garlands; gandha — fragrances; vastra — clothing; ābharaṇaiḥ — and jewelry; dvija — of brāhmaṇas; patnyaḥ — the wives; sv-alańkṛtāḥ — well ornamented; gāyantyaḥ — singing; ca — and; stuvantaḥ — offering prayers; ca — and; gāyakāḥ — singers; vādya-vādakāḥ — instrumental musicians; parivārya — accompanying; vadhūm — the bride; jagmuḥ — went; sūta — bards; māgadha — chroniclers; vandinaḥ — and heralds.


Behind the bride followed thousands of prominent courtesans bearing various offerings and presents, along with well-adorned brāhmaṇas' wives singing and reciting prayers and bearing gifts of garlands, scents, clothing and jewelry. There were also professional singers, musicians, bards, chroniclers and heralds.


Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī explains that from her own quarters up to the temple of Bhavānī, Rukmiṇī went by palanquin and thus was easily protected. Only for the last twelve to fifteen feet, from the palace to the temple area, did she go on foot, with royal bodyguards stationed outside the temple on all sides.

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