Canto 11: General HistoryChapter 6: The Yadu Dynasty Retires to Prabhāsa

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 11.6.37-38

vayaḿ ca tasminn āplutya

tarpayitvā pitṝn surān

bhojayitvoṣijo viprān


teṣu dānāni pātreṣu

śraddhayoptvā mahānti vai

vṛjināni tariṣyāmo

dānair naubhir ivārṇavam


vayam — we; ca — also; tasmin — at that place; āplutya — bathing; tarpayitvā — satisfying by offerings; pitṝn — the departed forefathers; surān — and the demigods; bhojayitvā — feeding; uṣijaḥ — worshipable; viprān — the brāhmaṇas; nānā — various; guṇa-vatā — having tastes; andhasā — with foodstuffs; teṣuin them (the brāhmaṇas); dānāni — gifts; pātreṣuas fitting candidates for charity; śraddhayā — faithfully; uptvā — sowing (i.e. offering to them); mahānti — great; vai — indeed; vṛjināni — the dangers; tariṣyāmaḥ — we will cross over; dānaiḥ — by our charity; naubhiḥ — with boats; ivaas if; arṇavam — the ocean.


By bathing at Prabhāsa-kṣetra, by offering sacrifice there to placate the forefathers and demigods, by feeding the worshipable brāhmaṇas with various delicious foodstuffs and by bestowing opulent gifts upon them as the most suitable candidates for charity, we will certainly cross over these terrible dangers through such acts of charity, just as one can cross over a great ocean in a suitable boat.

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