Canto 2: The Cosmic ManifestationChapter 10: Bhāgavatam Is the Answer to All Questions

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 2.10.27

utsisṛkṣor dhātu-malaḿ

nirabhidyata vai gudam

tataḥ pāyus tato mitra

utsarga ubhayāśrayaḥ


utsisṛkṣoḥ — desiring to evacuate; dhātu-malam — refuse of eatables; nirabhidyata — became open; vai — certainly; gudam — the evacuating hole; tataḥ — thereafter; pāyuḥ — the evacuating sense organ; tataḥ — thereafter; mitraḥ — the controlling demigod; utsargaḥ — the substance evacuated; ubhaya — both; āśrayaḥ — shelter.


Thereafter, when He desired to evacuate the refuse of eatables, the evacuating hole, anus, and the sensory organ thereof developed along with the controlling deity Mitra. The sensory organ and the evacuating substance are both under the shelter of the controlling deity.


Even in the matter of evacuating stool, the refuse is controlled, so how can the living entity claim to be independent?

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