Canto 6: Prescribed Duties for MankindChapter 19: Performing the Puḿsavana Ritualistic Ceremony

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 6.19.26-28

kanyā ca vindeta samagra-lakṣaṇaḿ

patiḿ tv avīrā hata-kilbiṣāḿ gatim

mṛta-prajā jīva-sutā dhaneśvarī

sudurbhagā subhagā rūpam agryam

vinded virūpā virujā vimucyate

ya āmayāvīndriya-kalya-deham

etat paṭhann abhyudaye ca karmaṇy

ananta-tṛptiḥ pitṛ-devatānām

tuṣṭāḥ prayacchanti samasta-kāmān

homāvasāne huta-bhuk śrī-hariś ca

rājan mahan marutāḿ janma puṇyaḿ

diter vrataḿ cābhihitaḿ mahat te


kanyāan unmarried girl; ca — and; vindeta — can get; samagralakṣaṇam — possessing all good qualities; patima husband; tu — and; avīrāa woman without a husband or son; hata-kilbiṣām — free from fault; gatim — the destination; mṛta-prajāa woman whose children are dead; jīva-sutāa woman whose child has a long duration of life; dhana-īśvarī — possessing wealth; su-durbhagā — unfortunate; su-bhagā — fortunate; rūpam — beauty; agryam — excellent; vindet — can get; virūpāan ugly woman; virujā — from the disease; vimucyate — is freed; yaḥhe who; āmayā-a diseased man; indriya-kalya-dehaman able body; etat — this; paṭhan — reciting; abhyudaye ca karmaṇi — and in a sacrificial ceremony in which oblations are offered to the forefathers and demigods; ananta — unlimited; tṛptiḥ — satisfaction; pitṛ-devatānām — of the forefathers and demigods; tuṣṭāḥ — being pleased; prayacchanti — they bestow; samasta — all; kāmān — desires; homa-avasāne — on the completion of the ceremony; huta-bhuk — the enjoyer of the sacrifice; śrī-hariḥ — Lord Viṣṇu; ca — also; rājanO King; mahat — great; marutām — of the Maruts; janma — birth; puṇyam — pious; diteḥ — of Diti; vratam — the vow; ca — also; abhihitam — explained; mahat — great; teto you.


If an unmarried girl observes this vrata, she will be able to get a very good husband. If a woman who is avīrā — who has no husband or son — executes this ritualistic ceremony, she can be promoted to the spiritual world. A woman whose children have died after birth can get a child with a long duration of life and also become very fortunate in possessing wealth. If a woman is unfortunate she will become fortunate, and if ugly she will become beautiful. By observing this vrata, a diseased man can gain relief from his disease and have an able body with which to work. If one recites this narration while offering oblations to the pitās and demigods, especially during the śrāddha ceremony, the demigods and inhabitants of Pitṛloka will be extremely pleased with him and bestow upon him the fulfillment of all desires. After one performs this ritualistic ceremony, Lord Viṣṇu and His wife, mother Lakṣmī, the goddess of fortune, are very pleased with him. O King Parīkṣit, now I have completely described how Diti performed this ceremony and had good children — the Maruts — and a happy life. I have tried to explain this to you as elaborately as possible.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Sixth Canto, Nineteenth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled "performing the Puḿsavana Ritualistic Ceremony."


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