Antya-līlāChapter 18: Rescuing the Lord from the Sea

Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Antya 18.91

padminī-latā — sakhī-caya, kaila kāro sahāya,

tarańga-haste patra samarpila

keha mukta-keśa-pāśa, āge kaila adhovāsa,

haste keha kañculi dharila


padminī-latā — the stems of lotus flowers; sakhī-caya — friends of the gopīs; kaila — gave; kāroto some of the gopīs; sahāya — help; tarańga-haste — by the waves of the Yamunā, which are compared to hands; patra — the lotus leaves; samarpila — supplied; keha — someone; mukta — released; keśa-pāśa — the bunches of hair; āgein front; kailamade; adhovāsaa lower dress; haste — the hands; keha — some; kañculias a top dress; dharila — held.


"The lotus stems were friends of the gopīs and therefore helped them by offering them lotus leaves. The lotuses pushed their large, round leaves over the surface of the water with their hands, the waves of the Yamunā, to cover the gopīs' bodies. Some gopīs undid their hair and kept it in front of them as dresses to cover the lower portions of their bodies and used their hands as bodices to cover their breasts.

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